Dear Supporters,

My name is Joshua, and my wife is Elie! We moved to northern Shan state of Myanmar in 2005. My wife is a schoolteacher and I had been working as a forester. We started our ministry to orphans in 2011 with 20 children whose parents had been killed in the civil war in our region. Two years ago, the number orphans started increasing every month.

… The Shan State has been suffering from ethnic conflict, with fighting between the government and ethnic group. In the fighting many people died and were lost in China border areas. Many people in Shan state had lost their business, houses, and lives. We have 80 children now with 70% of the children’s parents being killed in the fighting and 30% died from opium overdose. The situation is getting worse each day and it is very difficult to survive.

We are very thankful for support from Orphan’s Hope and a local church for basic food for a year now. During Covid-19 and the war, we had a hard time to feed the children. Sometimes we only feed porridge to the children. In our old place, the military’s had blocked the road and closed all the shops. The fighting kept getting closer to our place.

We prayed to God for a year to be able to move out from this place and provide a safe home for our children. God answered our prayers through Orphan’s Hope. Now we rented two different places for 80 children. In the city we rent 80’+120’ big house for 50 children and in another location, we have one acre land for 30 orphans with full time house parents taking care of the children. On the one-acre land we are growing vegetables, have organic chickens, and geese for the children. The church’s pastor and wife are volunteering to teach the Bible and music.

Please pray for our young people. Because of the fighting it is not safe for them. They can be arrested and sent to fight for military anytime. Sadly, we and the children are living under fear and worry for two years now. Please continue pray for us to have good health, safety, and God’s provision for monthly food. We really appreciate your providing our house rental fee for a year and food supplies. Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support!

May God bless you all!
In His service,
Joshua & Elie
Founder of Morning Dawn orphanage.