We are getting calls to take in more orphans in Myanmar but have little room left at Garden Home.  We just welcomed is a very cute five-month-old who needed a home. Also, the newborn baby on next page just arrived recently.

Your support gives orphans a home.

Thank you for your prayers and support in the face of severe flooding in Myanmar. The waters have been receding, and orphanages are recovering from the flood damage. Some orphanages were 5-6 feet underwater! Orphan’s Hope temporarily took in some of these children. We have also been providing food, clean water, and medicine as well. For these children in need, your giving is making a tremendous difference. You are a big blessing and are a God send in the hardships of these young lives.


On behalf of the children and staff, we are genuinely love you and are very grateful! There is a promise that your kindness to the orphan will not be forgotten by God.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” – Proverbs 19:17

War in the Shan State of Myanmar has gotten very bad.  We are doing what we can to help Morning Dawn orphanage there, but donations have been down, and we have had to reduce support for them.  The price of eggs has gone from 200 to 1500 Kyat and many basics are terribly inflated due to the war.  They are in a hard place with over 70 children. Please pray for them.

We really need more supporters for Orphan’s Hope ministry!

Could you partner with us in monthly giving or do you know of someone who could help?

Check us out on Facebook where you can “like” us and share with friends.